Language features: Alliteration, Metaphors and onomatopoeia
Let’s stop littering
Our sea creatures will soon die
It is polluting
Acrostic poem
Polluting is bad
Our sea creatures could die
Let's stop littering
Lets stop now
Unless you want to make our country look ugly
This can cause diseases
It can cause tourist to stop coming to our country
Our environment will look ugly
Now is your chance to stop….
There's rubbish on our land fill
The rubbish will literally kill
Our sea creatures will soon die
The rubbish on the beach will fly
Onomatopoeia poetry
Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh
The sound of plastic wrap flying
Woosh, Woosh
Poems with a twist
People picking up rubbish
sea animals saved
People using heaps of energy
Sea animals die
Dying animals
Lots of rubbish
People caring for animals
People caring for our country
Metaphoric poetry
It is sad
It is a polluter
It is a killer of sea life
It is ongoing
It is invincible